Hallo Marije, in deze video bespreek ik een foutmelding die we tegenkwamen tijdens het importeren van beelden. Ik laat zien hoe we deze fout hebben opgelost door een specifieke installatie te volgen. Daarnaast leg ik uit hoe we efficiënt kunnen samenwerken door projectbestanden te delen via een online drive. Verder geef ik tips over het bewerken van beelden en het opslaan van projecten. Bekijk de video voor meer details en vergeet niet om de stappen te volgen voor een soepele videobewerkingservaring!
Foutmelding bij importeren
Samenwerken via online drive
Muziekintermezzo, Nieuwe error en oplossing
Welkom bij de introductie van het bewerken van video’s in Premiere Pro. In deze video laat ik zien hoe je een project opent, bestanden importeert en de instellingen aanpast. Vergeet niet regelmatig op te slaan tijdens het bewerken. Let op de importtijd van bestanden en het selecteren van de juiste instellingen voor je project. Bekijk de stappen zorgvuldig en volg de aanwijzingen om efficiënt te werken.
00:00 Introductie Premiere Pro 03:46 Selecteren van media en laden 05:37 Belang van regelmatig opslaan 07:21 Duur van importeren en fundering van Premiere 09:27 Selecteren van juiste formaten en instellingen
Here is a short recap of all the wedding projects. Due to privacy reasons, not everything can be put online. This are the selection for you so that you can see what kind of beautiful wedding video’s you can also create for your own wedding. With a lot of variations of style, you can choose your wedding video style!Â
Fatih & Jorien
Wedding Video
With proud we present you this beautiful young couple on their most important day of their life. Our client is the best editor from the Netherlands and have won the “Gouden Kalf” price. So it was a challenge to bring the best wedding video ever. With 3 camera person and having the budget to film with RED cinema camera systems we accomplished this amazing wedding video.Â
Robert & Jessica
Wedding Video
Shortly after Robert & Jessica met, they were already going all over the world. During their wedding in Amsterdam, their huge group of friends and family came from all over the world to hear Robert and Jessica say ‘I do’ to each other in the Westerkerk. Over three days, they celebrated love throughout Amsterdam – a weekend to never forget.
Tii & Hun
Wedding Video
We called this beautiful wedding video “Devine Love”. The bridal couple come from Asian roots. And they felt it was important that these elements of their culture were reflected in the wedding video.
Jilles & Jolien
Wedding Video
For this couple we are able to create an authentic wedding video which were only located in one place. So it was quite a challenging to create a dynamic video. And also the budget as quite low. We are able to use some drone footages in combination with audio speeches to create authentic wedding video. Enjoy!
Laura & Wietse
Wedding Video
This couple has a very low budget for their wedding video. We were able with the amount of budget that they had to create an dynamic video through multiple locations. Enjoy watching!
Commissioned by ID&T we, as One Army Film, were allowed to participate in a great team of 30 people who all worked on this aftermovie & live registration. The event was at Amsterdam. One of the biggest open festival in Holland.
In 2017, Sherazade Fritze raised enough money via the crowdfunding page www.cinecrowd.com to make her documentary Eduard & Rebekka. I did most of the documentary as you can see.
For our client Progress Communications Amsterdam we made this interview video for Uniserver. One trailer and one full interview that they have already shot. They found it difficult to choose the right selection and emphasize their key points among all the images. Luckily they asked us to do this for them